Call 1800 Respect

Liberal Party of South Australia

(08) 8237 9334

Coercive control is when someone tries to control another person, by any number of ways, such as limiting their freedoms, trying to diminish their self-esteem or making them more dependent upon that person for decisions.

It is often insidious and persistent, and it doesn't always co-exist with physical violence. In fact, there have been a number of intimate partner murders in Australia in which coercive control took place without physical violence - until the final, terrible act.

Bruises and broken bones are much easier to detect than psychological abuse, making it easier for law enforcers and the courts to take action. It is also why it has been hard to develop laws to criminalise this pattern of behaviour.

NSW passed laws recently, and our SA Parliament under both Liberal and Labor governments has been grappling with how to draft laws to provide better justice for people who experience coercive control in partner relationships.

Ending domestic and family violence is everyone’s business.

Liberal Party members are committed to continuing to provide leadership on this important issue.

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